3rd North American Conference Victoria
3rd North American Conference
Victoria, Canada, 1989
ISBN 978-1-942112-40-2, €85
Session 1. (Chairman - R. Yong)
- “Vehicle Tractive Force on Soil Types of High Shear Strength with Varying Rainfalls”, by R.A. Jones, W.E. Willoughby, and B.G. Schreiner (paper, presentation)
- “Traction Performance of a Model Tractor in 2WD and 4WD Modes”, by G. Wang, R.L. Kushwaha, and G.C. Zoerb (paper, presentation)
- “Aspects of Soil/Machine Interaction during the Digging Cycle”, by J. Hadjigeorgiou and M.J. Scoble (paper, presentation)
- “Effects of Reduced Inflation Pressures on Log Truck Energetics”, by S.C. Ashmore, R.B. Rummer, and H.C. Hodges (paper, presentation)
- “Heavy Truck/Trailer Cargo System On- and Off-Road Performance Evaluation by Full Scale Computer-Based Modeling, Simulation and Field Validation”, by R.A. Wehage and M.D. Letherwood (paper, presentation)
Session 2. (Chairman - D. Lawrie)
- “Are Present Forestry Machines Smooth Terrain Machines?” by I. Wästerlund (paper, presentation)
- “Performance of Three Inwood Transportation Systems on a Wetland Hardwood Site”, by A.E. Hassan (paper, presentation)
- “A Terrain Information System for Use in Forestry Operations”, by H.B. Granberg and G.J. Irwin (paper, presentation)
- “Mobile Robotic Platform for Rugged Terrain”, by G. Immega (Abstract only)
- “Site Deterioration due to Slash Removal by New Full-Tree Logging Techniques”, by G.F. Weetman (Abstract only)
Session 3. (Chairman - Z. Janosi)
- “Wheeled versus Tracked Vehicle Snow Mobility Test Program”, by C.E. Green, K. Grimes and G. Blaisdell (paper, presentation)
- “Thawing Soil Strength Measurements for Predicting Vehicle Performance”, by S.A. Shoop (paper, presentation)
- “Allied Tree Harvester”, by R.E. Brecko (paper, presentation)
- “Soil-Bin Study of Full-Size Tire Performance on Clay”, by P. Boonsinsuk, R.N. Yong, F. Caporuscio, and G.J. Irwin (paper, presentation)
- “An Overview of Traction Research at University of California, Davis”, by S.K. Upadhyaya and D. Wulfsohn (paper, presentation)
- “The Effects of Free Water Content of Snow on Mobility of Rubber Tired Vehicles - A Preliminary Study”, by M.D. Osborne and R.G. Alger (paper, presentation)
Session 4. (Chairman - S. Chatwin)
- “Influence of Ecosystem Diversity on Present and Future Forestry Operations in British Columbia”, by P.R. Commandeur, R. Krag, J.P. Senyk and R.B. Smith (paper, presentation)
- “Effects of Wide-Tire Skidder Traffic on the Bulk Density of Five Vancouver Island Soils”, by T.P. Rollerson (paper, presentation)
- “The Effects of Skidder-Induced Compaction on Growth of Planted Douglas-Fir in Southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia”, by G. Butt (paper, presentation)
- “Long-Term Effects of Skid Road Disturbance on Engelmann Spruce Growth in the Nelson Forest Region”, by S.R. Thompson, G.F. Utzig and M.P. Curran (Abstract only)
- “Proposed System for Reducing Site Disturbance-Degradation in Ground Skidding Operations”, by S. Homoky (Abstract only)
Poster Presentations
- “Estimation of Compressibility, Re-expansion and Overconsolidation in Unsaturated, Structured Soils”, by R.A. McBride (poster)
- “Research into Ground-based and Alternative Harvesting Systems”, by R. Krag, G. Kockx, and J.P. Senyk (poster)
- “Soil Compaction and Effects on Conifer Regeneration in Alberta and Manitoba”, by J. Ball and I. Corns (poster)
- “Canadian Forestry Equipment (Video Display)”, by D. Myles (video)
- “Snow and Vehicle Mobility (Video Display)”, by M. Osborne and R. Alger (video)
- “To Meet the Challenge, FMC/KMC Tracked Skidder Concept (Video Display)”, by J. Edgar (video)