
ISTVS/ISU Symposium on Terramechanics in Agricultural Soil-Vehicle Systems

Register now! The ISTVS/ISU Symposium On Terramechanics in Agricultural Soil - Vehicle Systems at ISU, Ames, Iowa aims to enhance the awareness of the ISTVS as an international society in the field of vehicle-terrain systems. Conducting the mini-symposium is expected to engage undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in off-road vehicle systems, engineers in the private industry in agriculture and construction equipment manufacturers, tire and track manufacturers for agriculture and construction machines, digital technology developers for these industries and farmers on Agricultural Soil-Vehicle Systems.

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In Memoriam Dr Zoltán Jánosi

We regret to share the news of the passing of Dr. Zoltán Jánosi late last year. Dr. Jánosi remained remarkably vibrant—both in body and mind—until his passing at the age of 96 on November 21, 2024. His death is a profound loss to the terrain and soil mechanics research community. His legacy and memory will continue to be cherished by all who knew him and worked with him.

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Welcome from the new ISTVS President

Following the Society’s rotating presidency scheme, at the Yokohama conference I assumed the President’s role which I hope to hold for the next three years. In the closing session in Yokohama I gave a rundown of my thoughts on my upcoming term. I see the next few years as being very promising for our Society. Given my space robotics background, please allow me to be a bit subjective—I would like us to benefit from the surge of activities in lunar exploration we are witnessing from governmental and commercial actors.

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Prof. Heinz Dieter Kutzbach passes away

We regret to inform you that on Thursday, 07.11.2024 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Heinz Dieter Kutzbach passed away at the age of 84. Prof. Kutzbach was since a long-time member of the ISTVS. He was involved with tractor tire-soil interaction right into his retirement years. Like all former members of his research team, I was very strongly influenced by him during my time at the department. He led us with both great professional competence and personal warmth and gave us the freedom to shape our own research projects. […]

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Off-Road Brawn with AI Brains

Professor Vladimir Vantsevich, ISTVS Journal of Terramechanics co-Editor-in-Chief, sent in a link on his research institute, the Autonomous Vehicle Mobility Institute (AVMI) at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). AVMI is featured in a recent issue of the school magazine, WPI Journal: — the article is a very proficient introduction to the field of terramechanics!

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12th Machine-Ground Interaction Consortium (MaGIC) meeting

From Dan Negrut:

Together with my lab mate Radu Serban, I would like to invite you to attend the 12th edition of the Machine-Ground Interaction Consortium (MaGIC) meeting. This face-to-face event will be held on September 11-12 at UW-Madison. This year, we will emphasize AI and Digital Twin technologies in terramechanics, mechatronics, autonomy, and bio-robotics, touching on both terrestrial and extraterrestrial applications. This is a very informal event that seeks to bring together individuals from industry, academia, and research labs.

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AVMI Research Scientist Open Positions

We are pleased to share these open positions working with ISTVS Journal of Terramechanics Editor-in-Chief Vladimir Vantsevich at the the Autonomous Vehicle Mobility Institute, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

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