6th Asia-Pacific Conference Bangkok
6th Asia-Pacific Conference
Bangkok, Thailand, 2001
ISBN 978-1-942112-34-1, €65
Keynote Paper
- “Soil Mechanical Properties and Processes in Structured Unsaturated Soils under Various Land Use and Management Systems”, by Rainer Horn (paper, presentation)
- “Possibility of Developing the Electric Driven Off-Road Vehicles”, by Akira Oida (paper, presentation)
Track 1. Soil-Wheel-Tire Interaction
- “Braking Performance of Low Pressure Off-Road Tire over Soft Terrain”, by D. T. Tran, T. Muro, T. Eguchi, and S. Naka (paper, presentation)
- “Studies on Grouser Shoe Dimension for Optimum Tractive Performance”, by Xiu Lun Wang, Nobutaka Ito, and Koji Kito (paper, presentation)
- “Characteristics of Low Pressure Off-Road Tire in Driving State over Soft Terrain”, by T. Eguchi, T. Muro, D. T. Tran and S. Naka(paper, presentation)
- “Tillage Resistance Ofreverse-Rotational Rotary Tiller Using Different Scoop Surface Blades”, by Takashi Kataoka, Hiroshi Okamoto, Shun-Ichi Hata, and Sakae Shibusawa (paper, presentation)
- “Steady State Edge Excavation Property of a Disc Cutter Bit”, by T. Muro, K. Kohnol, and K. Tsuchiya (paper, presentation)
- “Simulation of Soil-Tire Interaction by a Coupled Distinct Element-Finite Element Method”, by Hiroshi Nakashima and Akira Oida (paper, presentation)
- “Development of a Cage Wheel as a Traction Aid to Agricultural Tractors for Poorly Drained Paddy Fields”, by W. G. Wu, J. S. Piao, B. H. Chong, and K. U. Kim (paper, presentation)
- “The Role of Pore Water Pressure on the Excavation Torque Mechanism of Dense Sands”, by Ambassah Nathaniel Ochieng, Ryoichi Fukagawa, Matsunaga Masayuki, and O. I. Naohito (paper, presentation)
- “Study on Excavation Mechanism for Dry Sandy Grounds”, by Ryoichi Fukagawa, Taizo Kobayashi, Ikkei Watanabe, Kiyoshige Katagi, Hiroshi Kanamori, and Ken Sasaki(paper, presentation)
- “Performance of Modified Cage Wheels in Swampy Peat Soils”, by A. Hendriadi and V. M. Salokhe (paper, presentation)
- “Effects of Traveling Speed of a Wheel on the Soil Deformation”, by K. Fukami, M. Ueno, K. Hashiguchi, and T. Okayasu (paper, presentation)
- “Soil Compaction under Pneumatic Tyre over Soft Ground Surface”, by T. Niyamapa And P. Tonsaipetch (paper, presentation)
- “Changes in Soil Deformation by the Frictional Property of a Wheel with Repetition Travel”, by Masami Ueno, Koichiro Fukami, Koichi Hashiguchi, and Takashi Okayasu (paper, presentation)
- “Vehicular Traffic Effect on Air Permeability and Groundnut Production in a Semi-Arid Sandy Loam Soil in North-Eastern Nigeria”, by J. O. Ohu, A. Y. Arku, and U. B. Muni (paper, presentation)
- “Analysis of Lunar Terrain-Wheel System Interaction by DEM”, by H. Fujii, A. Oida, H. Nakashima, M. Momozu, H. Kanamori, and T. Sasaki (paper, presentation)
Track 2. Automation/Computers/Modeling/Instrumentation
- “Automatic Control of a Forage Harvester”, by A. Stoll and H. D. Kutzbach (paper, presentation)
- “Artificial Neural Network to Estimate the Interaction between a Wheel and Soil”, by Tatsuo Hiroma, Yoshinobu Ota, and Osamu Oikawa (paper, presentation)
- “Development of a Computer-Based Controlled Pivot Turn”, by Desrial and Nobutaka Ito (paper, presentation)
- “Autonomous Guidance System of Agricultural Vehicles”, by Nopporn Patcharaprakiti, Nobutaka Ito, Koji Kito, and Suttichai Premrudeeprechacharn (paper, presentation)
- “Measurement of Soil Clod Fineness after Rotary Tillage by Machine Vision”, by H. Itoh, A. Oida, H. Nakashima, J. Miyasaka, and T. Izumi (paper, presentation)
- “Development and Application of a Driving Simulator for Road Traffic Problem”, by Xiong Jian, Zeng Jiguo, and Shui Ruifeng (paper, presentation)
- “Simulation of Shear Box Test by the Distinct Element Method”, by Masatoshi Momozu, Akira Oida, and Hiroshi Nakashima (paper, presentation)
- “The Vehicle Dynamics Test Based on Virtual Instrument”, by Li Shixiong and Yu Qun (paper, presentation)
- “Simulation of Soil Behavior at Subsoiling by the Distinct Element Method”, by Hiroaki Tanaka, Koji Inooku, Osamu Sumikawa, Yuji Nagasaki, Atsushi Okado, and Akira Oida (paper, presentation)
- “Development of an Excavator Digging Model for a Virtual Reality Type Excavator Simulator”, by Borinara Park, Ron R. Wakefield, and John V. Perumpral (paper, presentation)
- “Study of Virtual Experiment on Handling Stability of Driver-Vehicle-Environment Closed Loop System Based on Virtual Reality Technology”, by Yin Nian-Dong and Yu Qun (paper, presentation)
- “The Study of Virtual Experiment System on Vehicle Handling Stability”, by Wang Shufeng and Yu Qun (paper, presentation)
- “Measurement of Soil Clod Fineness after Rotary Tillage by a Laser Sensor”, by T. Izumi, A. Oida, H. Nakashima, J. Miyasaka, and H. Itoh (paper, presentation)
- “Modeling and Turning Characteristics of Articulated Tracked Vehicles”, by J. Yamakawa, K. Watanabe, and Y. Yasuda (paper, presentation)
- “Experimental Study on the Trafficability of a Moon Rover on Lunar Terrain”, by K. Tateyama, K. Haze, H. Kanamori, and T. Sasaki (paper, presentation)
Track 3. Soil-Vehicle-Machine Interactions
- “Influence of Contact Length of Tracked Vehicle Running on Soft Sandy Terrain”, by Takahisa Shigematsu, Yasunari Kobayashi, and Tatsuro Muro (paper, presentation)
- “Turning Characteristics of Two-Axle Four-Wheel Vehicle under Traction on Sandy Soft Terrain”, by Takahisa Shigematsu, Tatsuro Muro, Yasukuni Honda, and Tadaomi Eguchi (paper, presentation)
- “Study on Kinematics and Control Of Path Tracking for Autonomous Locomotion of Articulated Tracked Earth Moving”, by Hiroshi Takahashi, Ken-Ichiro Tokashiki, and Jinichi Yamada (paper, presentation)
- “Effects on Draft Resistance of Model Blade in Different Working Medium”, by Cui Zhanrong, Li Jianqiao, Li Yinwu, and Ren Luquan (paper, presentation)
- “Effects on Draft Resistance of Model Blade by Structural Parameters”, by Li Jianqiao, Li Yinwu, Cui Zhanrong, and Ren Luquan (paper, presentation)
- “Development of the Shield Machine Control Based on Soil-Machine Interaction”, by N. Yingyongrattanakul, K. Tateyama, and T. Utsumi (paper, presentation)
- “Vehicle Performance in Deep Snow under Late Winter Conditions — Influence of Pressure Distribution along the Track-Snow Contact Length”, by Anders Bodin (paper, presentation)
- “Vehicle Performance in Deep Snow under Late Winter Conditions — Influence of Belly Configuration”, by Anders Bodin (paper, presentation)
- “The Effect of Wheel Vibration on Traction — An Investigation using a Single Wheel Tester”, by A. Keen (paper, presentation)
Track 4. Soil- Properties
- “Evaluation of Subsurface Conditions using the Conventional Bearing Capacity Test”, by Mitsuhiko Mukaitani, Masamichi Hori, and Nobuyuki Kobayashi (paper, presentation)
- “Cone Resistance Mapping for Investigating Soil Compaction”, by Kazuhiko Ohmiya (paper, presentation)
- “Analysis of Improving Effects of Soil Trafficability with Geosynthetics”, by K. Kogure, Y. Miyata, D. Suetsugu, and S. Shigehisa (paper, presentation)
- “Experimental Study on Freezing Adhesion of Coal Dusts”, by Xiaodong Yang, Luquan Ren, and Qian Cong (paper, presentation)
- “Experimental Investigation for the Bionic Curved Blade in Resistance Reduction against Soil”, by Zhiwu Han, Luquan Ren, Jianqiao Li, and Jin Tong (paper, presentation)
- “Biotic Nonsmoothness and its Applications”, by Ren Luquan, Li Jianqiao, Tong Jin, and Chen Bingcong (paper, presentation)
- “Effect of Dry Density of Sandy Soil to Impact Response due to Rockfall”, by Soichiro Kawahara and Tatsuro Muro (paper, presentation)
- “Theoretical Study on the Performance of Centrifugal Dewatering System”, by Tsutomu Matsuura and Ryoichi Fukagawa (paper, presentation)
- “A New Method for Estimating Strength Parameters from Cone Penetration Tests”, by Taizo Kobayashi and Ryoichi Fukagawa (paper, presentation)
- “Effect of Continuous Tractor Traffic for 14 Years on the Physical Properties of a Sandy Loam Soil in North-Eastern Nigeria”, by J. O. Ohu and A. Y. Arku (paper, presentation)
- “Effect of Plant Roots on Soil Strength”, by M. Shafai-Bajestan and M. Salimi Golsheikhi (paper, presentation)
- “Tractive Performance of Working Animals: A Review”, by F. W. Fransua and V. M. Salokhe (paper, presentation)