Corporate Membership
ISTVS Corporate memberships are welcome from organizations active in terrain-vehicle systems and terramechanics.
Corporate membership application
Corporate members may be educational, scientific, or industrial organizations who may choose this method of expressing their interest in the development or application of terrain-vehicle systems and who are considered acceptable by the appropriate Regional or National Secretary and/or the General Secretary or a Deputy General Secretary.
Each Corporate Member is entitled to three representatives, each of whom must meet the requirements of individual members.
Click the Join ISTVS button below to complete your payment (via a secure transaction with Paypal using your existing account or by creating a new account). When the transaction is complete, you will be asked to submit information on the three representatives of your organization who will participate in the activities of ISTVS, including receiving email newsletters and a subscription to the Journal of Terramechanics.
Many thanks for your interest in ISTVS and terramechanics!
Dr. Lutz Richter, General Secretary
Dr. Sally Shoop, ISTVS President