Welcome New Organization Members

Welcome to ISTVS

Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you.

Now we'd like to collect the names of the three members of your organization who will be the prime participants in ISTVS activities:

  1. They will be added to the print and online subscription list for our Journal of Terramechanics, published for the Society by Elsevier (four issues per year).

  2. They are invited to connect directly with their new ISTVS colleagues in our members-only LinkedIn group. They need to create a LinkedIn account and request membership via this link: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/International-Society-TerrainVehicle-Systems-4405568/about

  3. They are eligible for member rates for our conferences.

  4. They will be added to our email list for announcements and our Newswire.

We look forward to getting to know you and to your involvement in the activities of ISTVS.

Many thanks for your interest in ISTVS and terramechanics!

Dr. Lutz Richter, General Secretary
Dr. Sally Shoop, ISTVS President

Membership Benefit

Free download of our ebook, Terramechanics Around the World: Celebrating Fifty Years of ISTVS, 1962-2012

Read more about the book and order a physical copy here

Download the ebook (8.9MB PDF)

Take the Next Step

Please click the button below to submit the three individuals from your organization who will be the prime participants in ISTVS activities. If you prefer, this information can be emailed directly to us at hello@istvs.org