The ISTVS Board of Directors at the meeting held in Blacksburg, Virginia, on September 18, 2011, decided to hold the next International ISTVS Conference at Seoul, Korea, in 2014.
It will be the 18th ISTVS International Conference and the second time a ISTVS conference will be held in Seoul: the first was the 5th Asian and Pacific Regional Conference held in 1998. Prof. Kyeong Uk Kim of Seoul National University, Conference Chairman, said conference preparation will be started in the next year and the conference website will be launched sometime in October 2012.
Prof. Kim has prepared a slidedeck of conference hhighlights that we've posted online for you to see here.
Conference highlights
When: 4th week of September 2014
Where: Hoam Faculty House of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
What: Plenary sessions, technical sessions, poster sessions, technical tour, social opportunities.
In the areas of:
• Tires, wheels, and tracks
• Soil and terrain
• Operations on snow and ice
• Vehicle mobility and safety
• Agricultural and forestry machinery
• Mining, earthmoving and construction machinery
• Military vehicles
• Performance assessment
• Planetary rovers and mobile robotics
• Education in soil-machine systems