To commend members of the ISTVS for outstanding achievements in our field, the Soehne-Hata-Jurecka Award and the Bekker-Reece-Radforth Award were established in 1996 and 2002, respectively. The awards are presented to the recipients by the President at the ISTVS International Conference held every three years.
Next awards will be presented at the 20th ISTVS International Conference to be held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2020. Nominations for the next awards are now invited from members of ISTVS.
Please find full details for nominating a member on our Awards page:
Submissions will be evaluated by the ISTVS Awards Program Committee, consisting of the Chair and three members representing the regions of the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe-Africa. Recommendations of the Committee will be forwarded to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the ISTVS for consideration and approval.
2020 Awards Program Committee
Chair: Professor Kazuyoshi Tateyama
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Professor Jo Y. Wong
Carleton University, Canada
Professor Iwan Wästerlund
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Professor Kyeong Uk Kim
Seoul National University, South Korea
Dr. Vladimir Vantsevich
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA