Ali Roshanianfard, Noboru Noguchi, Hiroshi Okamoto, Kazunobu Ishii
Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 91, 2020, Pages 155-183, ISSN 0022-4898 (
Abstract: Robotic farming will play an undeniably significant role in future sustainable agriculture. Autonomous agricultural vehicles for arable crops and their components are reviewed herein, and their differing possible components, advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The autonomous agricultural vehicles are qualified from technical points of view, including each vehicle's hardware unit (platform development, platform, transporter system, operation functions, communication, sensors [positional sensor, attitude sensor, and safety sensor], and control unit), the physical environment, and the control algorithm. The development process for different vehicles is described. As an operational case study, all investigations conducted at Hokkaido University between 1990 and 2018 are discussed and evaluated based on the described classification. The development procedure, the process of component selection, developmental challenges, and the performance indicators of the vehicles are discussed in detail. The development process and applicability of each component are then presented, and recommendations for future studies are noted. Finally, the most important experiences and lessons, and some recommendations are outlined.
Keywords: Smart farming; Digital farming; Precision farming; Agricultural robot; Artificial intelligence; Autonomous vehicle