Publication news

An approach to characterization of the agricultural self-propelled machines stability

Dragan V. Petrović, Vera B. Cerović, Rade L. Radojević, Zoran I. Mileusnić

Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 93, 2021, Pages 51-63, ISSN 0022-4898

Abstract: This paper presents an analytical algorithm with appropriate software specified for the approximation of the allowed critical slope of the solid flat terrain that guarantees static and/or dynamic stability of the specified self-propelled agricultural machines and their aggregates. This algorithm assumes machine as a rigid body, having 3 or 4 contact points (defined by wheels or crawlers), under uniform motion at different constant velocities and radii of curvature trajectories. Using this algorithm, based on the principles of theoretical mechanics combined with 3D analytical geometry, the computer program SSPM (stability of the self-propelled agricultural machines) has been coded. This software is intended to facilitate the analysis, comparison and optimization of different configurations of self-propelled agricultural machines in operation on horizontal and sloped flat terrains at constant velocities and radii of trajectory with respect to their static and dynamic stability. It calculates critical pitch and roll angles of the self-propelled machine and the maximum allowed slope of the flat terrain under the given conditions. The algorithm and the appropriate SSPM software were experimentally verified using the platform and low-scale tractor model. Average difference between calculated and experimental critical values of roll and pitch angles were about 4°

Keywords: SSPM; Mechanics; Tractor; Stable motion; Spatial analytical geometry