Publication news

Development of a mathematical model for determining the draft force of ard plow in silt clay soil

Thomas Gebre, Zewdu Abdi, Amana Wako, Teshome Yitbarek

Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 106, 2023, Pages 13-19, ISSN 0022-4898

Abstract: Due to Ethiopia's rising population, the prediction of a draft force has several crucial in improving tillage performance in smallholder farmland. It helps in proper usage of animal draught; minimizes operator tragedy and full input data for the ard plow designer. This study aimed to develop an effective mathematical model by selecting appropriate soil properties, tool geometries, and tillage operating conditions for estimating the draft force of the ard plow. A mathematical equation was established using dimensional analysis related to PI-Buckingham-pi theorem. The model was verified and validated using the IBM SPSS statistical software. The correlation between draft force between the measured and predicted value of R2 was 0.877. The developed model was effective in predicting the draft force success for ard plow as much as 87.70%. No significant difference existed between the measured and predicted values at a 0.05 significance level. The scoring standard of the measured draft and the anticipated draft force is normally distributed with a level of confidence of 99%. Investigation consequence showed a developed mathematical formula for estimating the draft force of ard plow in silt clay soil is effective.

Keywords: Dimensional analysis; Tool geometry; Draft force; Mathematical Model