E. Nataraj, Pranay Sarkar, Hifjur Raheman, Ganesh Upadhyay
Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 97, 2021, Pages 35-43, ISSN 0022-4898
Abstract: A microcontroller-based embedded digital display and warning system was developed for measuring wheel slippage, velocity ratio, PTO torque, and draft requirement of active tillage machinery. The hardware system included magnetic pickup sensor for measuring the engine speed, load cells and amplifiers to measure and amplify the sensing unit signals of the draft, proximity sensors for wheel slip, and PTO torque transducer for measuring the torque requirement. It was provided with buzzers and LEDs to warn the operator, whenever slip and velocity ratio were not in the desired range based on the algorithm, for maximum fuel efficiency and tractive performance. It measured slippage, velocity ratio, torque and draft with a maximum absolute variation of 12.90%, 7.92%, 8.99% and 11.57%, respectively. The developed system can be easily adaptable to any combination of tractor and tillage implements, and guide the operator for better soil tilth with lesser energy input.
Keywords: Wheel slip; Draft; Velocity ratio; PTO torque; Digital display; Warning system