Publication news

Parameter study and identification of DEM modeling for varied sand moisture content based on bulldozing experiment

Naohiro Sato, Genya Ishigami

Journal of Terramechanics, Volumes 113–114, 2024, 100971, ISSN 0022-4898

Abstract: The discrete element method (DEM) has been widely used to simulate varied sand particles interacting with earthmoving machines. However, past research using DEM barely addressed accurate verification and validation for different sand moisture content. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to reveal the range of key parameters of an adhesive force model used in the DEM simulation corresponding to the specific sand moisture content. We considered the bulldozing phenomenon to be typical earthmoving work and performed the bulldozing experiments under different sand moisture levels to investigate the bulldozing force variations. Subsequently, the DEM simulation with an adhesive force model calculated the bulldozing force corresponding to the experimental results. The values for two adhesive parameters, i.e., a scaling magnitude and the maximum adhesive distance between particles, were adjusted such that the maximum bulldozing force calculated in the DEM coincides with that of the experiments under different moisture contents. The experimental verification of the DEM revealed the relationship curves between these two key parameters corresponding to the different moisture content. The relationship obtained in this paper implies that the DEM simulation carefully adjusting the adhesive force parameters can reproduce machine interaction on moist sand environments accurately.

Keywords: Bulldozing; Discrete element method; Wet sand; Moisture sand