Ganesh Upadhyay, Hifjur Raheman
Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 78, 2018, Pages 27-37, ISSN 0022-4898,
Abstract: Soil bin investigations were initiated with combined offset disc harrow (CODH) which unites the benefits of powered discs and combination tillage together through a front active-rear passive set configuration. The proposed configuration may help to achieve timeliness in sowing, better crop residue handling with reduced tillage passes and improved engine power utilization of tractor. The effects of speed ratio (u/v), front gang angle (α), operating depth and cone index (CI) on its draft, torque and power requirement were studied and compared with its traditional passively driven mode at an average soil moisture of 9–10% (db) in sandy-clay loam soil. Optimum system settings were found out before further performance evaluation in the field. The substantially reduced draft requirement with CODH might help to reduce the wheel slippage and improve field productivity while increased power requirement might prevent the under-loading of tractor engine. Tillage quality was assessed considering CI values and found to be far superior compared to traditional mode. Optimum system settings were found at α of 35° and u/v ratio of 3.6 in terms of lowest power expenditure and better work quality with torque power expenditure of 60–70% in total power indicating improved utilization of engine power if operated with tractor power take-off (PTO).
Keywords: Draft; Torque; Passively driven mode; Speed ratio; Front gang angle