Jamal Mrazgua, Redouane Chaibi, El Houssaine Tissir, Mohamed Ouahi
Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 97, 2021, Pages 19-27, ISSN 0022-4898
Abstract: This paper investigates, a new methodology for non-linear active suspension systems (ASS) with static output feedback (SOF) control. The nonlinear ASS is represented by a Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy control ASS in continuous time. A SOF control presented by a family of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) guarantees the asymptotic stability and ensures certain an H∞ performance level. This methodology motivated this research, where in the context of active suspension (AS) systems, the guaranteed performance correspond to ride comfort in the presence of road disturbances. Thus, a controller is developed for a quarter-car model with active suspension. The Simulated results with root-mean-square (RMS) values illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Keywords: Static output feedback (SOF) control; Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems; H∞ control; Active suspension system; root-mean-square (RMS); Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI)