Publication news

Three-dimensional DEM tillage simulation: Validation of a suitable contact model for a sweep tool operating in cohesion and adhesion soil

Chunling Zhang, Jin Xu, Zihao Zheng, Weiwei Wang, Lichao Liu, Liqing Chen

Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 108, 2023, Pages 59-67, ISSN 0022-4898

Abstract: Discrete element modelling (DEM) is widely used to estimate soil-tool interaction and tillage forces. To run an accurate simulation, it is essential to determine the appropriate DEM contact model and parameters. Although previous work has been introduced to determine the DEM contact model and parameters, the accuracy of numerical simulation is not high because of the soil differences when tillage tools operate in cohesion and adhesion soil in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. In this paper a Hertz-Mindlin with JKR Cohesion contact model and Linear Cohesion contact model were used to predict soil disturbance area and draft forces. The DEM parameters were determined using cone penetration, and uniaxial unconfined compression as an assisted test. The field experiment using sweep tool was used to validate the simulation results. A good agreement has been showed between simulation results and experiment results. Using verified model, the relative error for the predicted soil disturbance area at speeds of 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 m/s were 5.3, 3.6 and 7.1 %, respectively. The maximum and average relative errors between simulated and measured draft forces were 6.98 and 3.91%, respectively. The effect of tillage depth and speed at soil disturbance area and draft forces were found which can provide some guidance for the selection of parameters during actual operation.

Keywords: Discrete element modelling; Sweep tool; Cohesion and adhesion; Soil disturbance; Draft forces