Publication news

A method for predicting the internal motion resistance of rubber-tracked undercarriages, Pt. 1. A review of the state-of-the-art methods for modeling the internal resistance of tracked vehicles

Piotr A. Dudziński, Jakub Chołodowski

Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 96, 2021, Pages 81-100, ISSN 0022-4898

Abstract: This article summarizes the known methods for calculating the internal resistance of tracked undercarriages. The values of the coefficient of internal resistance for sample tracked vehicles are available in the literature and presented in this paper. Although they are suitable for simple computations, they cannot be used to optimize the energy efficiency of new generation tracked undercarriages. This problem might be solved by the models where every phenomenon leading to energy dissipation during vehicle motion is described by a separate submodel as a function of vehicle speed, track tension, undercarriage layout, design features of the undercarriage components, etc. This kind of model is still missing for vehicles with conventional rubber tracks. The article presents multiple state-of-the-art models describing rolling resistance of road wheels, bending resistance of rubber belts, etc., including the models of belt conveyors resistance. A vast majority of the phenomena discussed herein are described by several incompatible models whose parameters have not yet been determined for conventional rubber tracks. Consequently, in the second and the third part of the article, the authors have undertaken a theoretical and experimental studies on the methods for calculating and optimizing the internal motion resistance of vehicles with conventional rubber tracks.

Keywords: Tracked undercarriage; Rubber track; Link track; Energy efficiency; Internal motion resistance; Review