Publication news

Next-generation NATO reference mobility model complex terramechanics – Part 2: Requirements and prototype

Tamer M. Wasfy, Paramsothy Jayakumar

Journal of Terramechanics, Volume 96, 2021, Pages 59-79, ISSN 0022-4898

Abstract: In part 2 of this paper, the Complex Terramechanics (CT) software tools requirements recommended by the NATO research task group RTG-248 are presented along with example simulations from a CT prototype software tool which attempts to satisfy the requirements.

Keywords: Terramechanics; Ground Vehicle Mobility; Vehicle Dynamics; Discrete Element Method; Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics; Finite Element Method; Multibody Dynamics; Soft Soil; Vegetation Models; Pneumatic Tires; Tracked Vehicles